Saturday, 19 June 2021

Types of drawing & blueprints as per municipal corporation


For purpose of construction for getting building permission and many other purpose different type of drawing are prepared. We have already seen one of type viz line plan

Line plan is preliminary stage of planning. Once the line plan is fixed we can easily plan ahead for the reaming features of building. After planning various type of drawing can be prepared

1.    Plan ( Top View )

2.    Elevation ( Front View )

3.    Side elevation ( Side View )

4.    Section

5.    Working and details drawing like details of door, window, stairs, foundation plan, roof plan, area statement, construction

6.    Isometric view

7.    Oblique view

8.    Prospective view / 3d view

According to method of preparing drawing they can be classified as:-

·        Data drawing

·        Measured drawing

·        Structural drawing

·        Working drawing or Detailed drawing

·        Presentation drawing



Sr. no

Type of plan



Location plan



Site plan



Layout plan



Floor plan



Service plan ( water supply )



Terrace plan



Parking plan





·        Elevation is the view of building from the outside and from front side. Strictly speaking elevation in front view but the term is used and side of elevation left side elevation etc

·        The elevation should be astatically pleasing. The elevation must be drown to same scale as the plan. The elevation is drawn developed plan by projecting line from it

·        Dimension should not be shown on the elevation and GL should be extended sufficiently on both side of elevation

·        Student are advised to avoid the temptation of doing decorative drawing work on the elevation



          Site plan shows location of structural w.r.t. some permanents features and it gives idea about its location and details it is drown to scale of 1 : 500 to any convenient scale In include following details :-

·        Shape of building with external dimension

·        Plot size and survey number

·        Plot in vicinity

·        North direction

·        Marginal distance front, rear and side from plot boundary

·        Compound wall, main gate

·        Sanitary disposed or sewer line and water supply line

·        Road with width

·        Permanent structure temple etc

Site plan shows the plot of land on which construction of building is done or will be done. Here the plan of building is shown by hatching


Site plan


          Foundation plan shows the excavation that must be done on the site for laying down the foundation of building according to the foundation plan, line out is given on the site by making lines with white lime and according to these line and according to these lines the excavation for the foundation trenches or the foundation pits beings

          Since the two structure viz load bearing and frame structure differ in their foundation plan for the both the structure and different order      

          Diagonal measurement are given on foundation plan. There measurement are used to check the accuracy of the foundation plan

foundation plan load bearing

foundation plan frame structure

Friday, 18 June 2021

Carpet area and built up area Calculation as per RERA

 Hello friends when we go to purchase a flat from builder we come to know about some terminology Carpet Area, built-up area, Super built up area loading etc.

Swarajya Consultancy

To reduce that miscommunication central Government introduce RERA – REAL ESTATE REGULATION AND DEVELOPMENT ACT in year 2016 according to that builder should pay according to carpet area

Carpet Area –

·       Net usable floor area where one can spread a carpet

·       According to RERA, a carpet area is the net usable floor area of an apartment which includes usable space like kitchen toilet bathroom & internal portion wall

Carpet area ( RERA )

Built Up Area –

·       Built up area = Carpet Area + External Wall + Balconies + service shaft

built up area

Super Built Up Area-

Difference between the area of flat which was constructed before 10 years and the area of recently contracted flat

Option 1 ( Built Up 

area )

Option 2 ( Super Built Up area )

flat constructed before 10 years

Area of 800 sq. ft

Value = 60 lacs

Rate – Rs 7500 per sq ft


Recently Constructed Flat


Area of 1000 sq. ft

Value = 65 lacs

Rate – Rs 5909 per sq ft



Area of flat in Option 1 looks bigger then Option 2

Super built up area

·       built up area plus proportionate share of common area such as lobbies, staircase, lift shaft, club house, air ducts/shafts other covered common facilities

·       Exclude – Open area such as play, gardens, parks, roof terrace

·       Super built up area = 20 to 40% more than Carpet area



Thursday, 17 June 2021

Principal Of Planning For Residential and Public Building

 Principal Of Planning 

The principal discussed here apply to both public and residential building to ensure proper and economical utilization of space and other resources required for building 

Aspect -

  •  it is a positioning of window and door in the external wall to take maximum advantage of natural gifts such as sunlight and wind or breezes

Prospect - 

  • Taking advantage of desirable views available form window, doors and balcony of features outside the building such as garden, lake, sea, river etc.

  • Block the undesirable view such as garbage dump slum etc.

Principal Of Planning


  • Placement of room with reference to north direction or sun movement 

Principal Of Planning ( Civil Engineening )




  1. Kitchen 


Morning sun rays should Entre

  1. Bed Room 


Evening sun rays should come to remove dampness

  1. Living Room 


For all the time of day good/sunlight should come

  1. W.C / Bath 


Must be located near to kitchen and bed

  1. Study OR Stored room


This room should be well lighted 

Circulation -

  • Refers to movement from one place to another inside the building. The doors must be arranged in such a way that minimum space is wasted in circulation 

Principal Of Planning

Economy -

  • The planning of Building should be economical, avoiding all type of wastage 

  • The wastage is not only raw material but wastage of space will greatly affect economy of planning

  • In India since labour is cheap about 70% of cost of construction is due to raw material

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Climate and Effect -
  • The climate place also effect the planning of building windows opening, type of roof chajja, paint and colors are depend upon climate of place

Thus planning of any building is complex process and it requires lot of practices and insight into the principle discussed above to come up with really good plan either a residential or public building

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Friday, 11 June 2021

Quantity of cement sand and Aggregate


Concrete mix ratios are the proportions of concrete components such as cement, sand, aggregates and water. These mix ratios are decided based on type of construction and mix designs. However, building codes provides nominal and standard concrete mix ratios for various construction works based on experience and testing. These types of concrete mix ratios are discussed in this article.

Swarajya Consultancy

Point should be know before estimating

Density of cement = 1440 kg/m3 –

Size = 50kg bag = 34.7 liters

1 bag to m3 = 0.0347 m3

1 bag to cft = 1.226 cft


No of bags in 1 m3 = 28.8 bags

Specific gravity of cement = 3.15

Grade of cement = 33, 43, 53 Grade

Sand = 1450 – 1500 kg/m3

Aggregate = 1450 – 1550 kg/m3

Concrete Grade

Mix Ratio

Compressive strength

Mpa ( N/mm^2)




5 Mpa

725 Psi



10 Mpa

1450 Psi



15 Mpa

2175 Psi



20 Mpa

2900 Psi



25 Mpa

3625 Psi


Design Mix

30 Mpa

4350 Psi


QTY of cement sand aggregate

Now we start calculation to find cement sand and aggregate quantity in 1 m3 concrete for M20 grade = 1:1.5:3

Dry volume = 1 x 1.54 = 1.54

·       Cement = ( 1/5.5 ) x 1.54

= (0.28 x density)/ weight of 1 cement bag

= 0.28 x 1440/ 50

= 8 bags

·       Sand = ( 1.5/5.5 ) x 1.54

 = (0.42 x density)

 = 0.42 x 1450

 = 609 kg

1m3 to cft = 35.31 cft

0.42 x 35.31 = 14.83 cft


·       Aggregate = ( 3/ 5.5 ) x 1.54

 = 0.84 m3 x density

 = 0.84 x 1500 = 1260 kg

1m3 to cft = 35.31 cft

0.84 x 35.31 = 29.66 cft


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Types of drawing & blueprints as per municipal corporation

  For purpose of construction for getting building permission and many other purpose different type of drawing are prepared. We have already...